Monday, April 27, 2020

Epistle / Based on Psalm 16:5 / Emailed to UMC Hudson on April 17, 2020

Epistle / Based on Psalm 16:5 / Emailed to UMC Hudson on April 17, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 Shelter-In-Place orders there are no services at CCH.  I did do some pondering on scripture for my church this month though.  Our pastor has been sending out a daily epistle and asked me to contribute one on Friday 4/17/2020.  This message went out to my UMC church family that day, but I decided to put it here in case anyone else might find encouragement by reading.

Here is more detail on a couple points our church members would have already known.

The Easter “parade” I refer to below was formed by a group of church members driving by member’s homes with signs, balloons, and noise makers.  It brought a smile to many on Easter morning.

The Way” is a study by Adam Hamilton.

Hello Church!

Darci Strutt McQuiston here. Rev Dawn invited me to write you today so she can return to her regular Friday Sabbath. Of course, I said yes!

I have enjoyed her casual and encouraging style so hope to give this the same feeling. Goodness knows we need encouraging words right now. “Sheltering in Place” can feel isolating and lonely and we have another five weeks ahead. YouTube services and Zoom prayer meetings can keep us connected, but I am missing hugs and I bet you are too.

Before I get to my thoughts on the Psalm, I wanted to remind you that you are loved. If there is one goal for this note it is to tell you this. I am holding my church family up in prayer and sending my love. I feel great love both for my church family and from my church family. The Easter “parade” was awesome! You are very loved. Thank you for loving me.

I am a student in “The Way” book class. The chapter on the study was the first time I remember coming across the term “Lectio Divina”. I am glad this is a printed word because I fear I would not pronounce that correctly. Rev Dawn has been using this “divine reading” as she explored Psalm 16 throughout this week. I spent some time in the steps of reading, meditation, contemplation, and prayer on Psalm 16. Here is the verse that rose to the surface through the steps of reading and meditation.

Psalm 16:5, You, Lord, are my portion, my cup; you control my destiny.

As I completed the contemplation part of Lectio Divina I looked inside for why this verse jumped out. Our study book, The Way, advised me to ask the question, “How does this idea, this word, this phrase, or text relate to me?”  I realized part of my anxiety during this time is due to feeling everything is out of control. I do not know if my investments are going to recover. I do not have confidence in the health and safety of my loved ones. My husband is in memory care and I cannot visit.

While that feeling of stress can rise within me, this verse offers me calm. God is my portion. That thought brought up the song, His Eye Is On the Sparrow: “Why should my heart be lonely and long for heaven and home, when Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is he: his eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me.”

God provides. God controls my destiny. I may feel out of control, but I can rest in knowing God is in control. From my study of scripture, I know God does not always save you from the storm, but he remains beside you in the storm.

The final part of Lectio Divina is conversing in prayer with God. I felt his presence as I completed this step. I hope you feel his presence today. I pray I can “sing because I’m happy and sing because I’m free”, as the song goes, and you can sing along with me. God is with us. We are Easter People! We do not need to fear death because Jesus paved the way into eternity.

The prayer at the end of today’s Discipline entry fit my thoughts so I am going to share it with you as I close.

“Living Christ, today I seek to love you whom I cannot see and to trust in your promise that you are with me, whatever comes. Amen.”

I am sending you much love this day! Beams and blessings to you each!
